why are organic foods are healthy than other food?

Organic food is healthier than non-organic foods because it is grown and produced without chemical fertilizers or pesticides and does not contain additives in the form of artificial sweeteners, artificial preservatives, and nitrates often used in conventional products. Organic food has

-Research suggests that organic foods lower the risk of cancer, heart disease

Research suggests that organic foods lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. A recent study published in the British Journal of Cancer found a significant difference in levels of 16 different types of organ chlorine pesticides between conventionally and organically grown foods. Organ chlorine is a man-made chemical used as a pesticide and has been linked to diseases like breast cancer. Another study by the University of London found that over four years, people who ate organic food had a 41% lower chance of contracting cancer than those who weren't consuming organic products.

- Organic foods are rich in nutrients and support a healthier mind and body

In recent years, many people are paying more attention to their diet, especially those who are health-conscious. The most significant change in people's diets is the increased consumption of organic foods. To get the right amount of nutrients, people today try to purchase the best quality food they can afford. They are aware that what we eat directly affects our minds and bodies. For example, when we buy a piece of fruit, we want to know if it was grown using pesticides or other chemicals that could harm us. We want to make sure that the fruit is fresh and at its best nutritional value.

-Organic foods are grown without chemicals that do no harm to our body

Organic foods are grown without chemicals that do no harm to our bodies. Organic food is very important for us to keep our health in a good state. Personally, I often eat organic food because it tastes better and is healthier. I think adopting organic foods is a good idea for everyone.

-They have more minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants             

Studies have shown that organic foods contain more minerals and vitamins than their non-organic counterparts. This is great because those additional nutrients are very beneficial to our health, and they're typically not present in regular foods. For instance, one study found that organic strawberries contain 25% more antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and Alzheimer's disease.

Organic foods indeed tend to cost more, but when you look at the actual nutritional value of what you're getting it becomes clear that the extra cost is worth it.


-Studies show that organic foods are healthier for you and your family because they don't have harmful chemicals

Organic foods have more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in them than non-organic foods. Some of the health benefits of eating organic are lower rates of cancer, lower incidence of allergies, less risk of obesity, more energy and vitality, and lower risk of developing diabetes.


'Organic' means that the food was grown without pesticides or herbicides. According to the USDA's standards, the food must be produced through a process that does not involve synthetic fertilizers or sewage sludge, genetic engineering (including recombination DNA or RNA), or ionizing radiation.


There are many reasons to buy organic:


-To protect yourself from harmful chemicals like pesticides and antibiotics


-To help promote a healthy environment


-To support local farmers


-To support fair trade practices


Organic food is more expensive than non-organic food, but prices for organic food have been declining as demand for it grows. If you want to start buying organic but can't afford to spend much extra on groceries at first, start small. Pick one fruit or vegetable to buy organic each time you go shopping. You'll soon find yourself spending less money on food overall—but getting better quality products


-Organic foods have been shown to have a higher nutrient density

Organic foods have been shown to have a higher nutritional density than conventionally grown foods. This means that the amount of nutrients per calorie and per unit weight is greater in organic foods than in conventional varieties.

According to a study by The University of Newcastle, one of the main reasons for this increased nutrition is the fact that organic farming uses fewer pesticides and therefore allows more of the micro -nutrients in the soil to be absorbed by crops.

-Your immune system is healthier-Organic foods have higher levels of nutrients and vitamins

Your immune system is healthier. Organic foods have higher levels of nutrients and vitamins that can help your body fight off disease. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, organic foods contain higher levels of antioxidants than their non-organic counterparts. Antioxidants are molecules that help protect plants and animals against damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. When your body is exposed to viruses, bacteria, or other germs, your immune system kicks into high gear. Antioxidants have been shown to slow down this response so your body can fight the infection without overworking itself, which causes stress on all the organs in your body.



Why do you think organic food is healthier than non-organic food?

Many people believe that organic food is healthier than non-organic food. This may be because they have seen information that links non-organic food to negative health consequences. Some studies have found associations between non-organic foods and diseases like cancer and obesity. However, these studies can only show associations, not causation. People who eat non-organic foods may be also more likely to smoke or engage in other unhealthy behaviors, making the link between the consumption of non-organic foods and disease misleading. In addition, there is not much research on the long-term health effects of eating organic versus non-organic foods. We do know that organic foods contain fewer pesticide residues than their non-organic counterparts; however, pesticide residue levels in conventional products are safe for consumption. Therefore, it is plausible that eating organic foods does not provide a benefit over eating conventionally grown foods.

Additionally, organic agriculture uses pesticides and herbicides which can harm the environment. Pesticides such as those derived from petroleum products can persist in the soil for many years and can be released into waterways during rainstorms or when they are used during irrigation. These pesticides then harm aquatic life in rivers, lakes, and oceans and can remain in drinking water supplies if they leach into groundwater supplies.


How do you feel about organic food?

Almost half of Americans are concerned about the safety of the food they eat and the majority of Americans believe that food should be certified as organic. Organic farming is a method of food production that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. Organic farmers avoid the use of man-made fertilizers, most synthetic pesticides, food additives, animal drugs, and genetically modified organisms. Since the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) started certifying organic products in 2002, more than 25,000 farms have been certified organic nationwide. Benefits from eating organic food include an increase in nutrition, reduced exposure to toxic chemicals, support for local farming communities, and preservation of natural resources due to reduced use of chemicals.


What is the most recent organic food you have eaten?

What is the most recent organic food you have eaten? In a professional tone: I usually eat an organic breakfast and then try to eat organic whenever possible. The most recent meal I had that was all-organic was a lunch of chicken, rice, and green beans. I do try my best to buy organic when money is not an issue, as I believe that it is no longer just about labeling foods "organic" but more about the benefits to our health and the environment. My goal is to cut down on my carbon footprint no matter what it takes!


Do you feel like your race or culture has influenced your life and work experience?

Do you feel like your race or culture has influenced your life and work experience? As I was thinking about this question, my mind first went to my early childhood. I was born in Taiwan and grew up in Los Angeles, California. My parents both immigrated to the United States from Taiwan. They were both colleges educated when they came to the United States. When I was young, my father worked as an engineer for a company that made electronic parts for televisions. He helped design the electronic circuit boards that were used in televisions at the time. My mother stayed home with me and my older sister while we were small children. After she had been home with us for several years, she went back to school to get her Ph.D. in educational psychology. She is also an expert in bilingual education programs.


As I was growing up, I didn't realize how different my upbringing was from that of other children because I never felt like there was anything wrong with it! But now that I am older and have friends who grew up differently than me, I see how much of a difference there really is between their lives and mine.

Organic food may cost more but its benefits greatly outweigh the cost. It not only helps lower your risk of getting cancer, but it is also healthier for you than the conventional food we are used to eating. If you would like to learn more about organic food and how you can.